OEI focuses on operations and results. Our processes have been fine-tuned over the years, but each new engagement requires a custom-made response based on the unique needs of our clients.
OEI’s client commitments form a proven methodology that generates follow-up engagements. This approach rests on four pillars:
1. Prioritized Client Involvement
In transportation and tourism projects, we understand that the client has been living and working with the issues long before OEI is called in to help. That’s why we emphasize collaborative interaction with clients.
2. Client – OEI Relationships
OEI doesn’t take on vital engagements to write technical reports that gather dust. We set clear project milestones and meet regularly (virtually during the pandemic) to keep clients abreast of our progress, to inform about findings, and share insights into alternatives. In short, we communicate frequently to provide comfort and confidence. When OEI determines that a specific expertise outside our scope is required, we offer recommendations and make personal introductions. Once we’ve shared our key findings and made recommendations on how to proceed at the end of a project, OEI will often make a presentation on behalf of the client to the board of directors, company president, mayor, or even at a Town Hall event for the public.
3. Engagement
OEI begins each engagement as a visitor, a guest in a host community. That’s why the first thing we do is listen. We listen to our clients’ plans for growth and development, and how they plan to reach their goals.
We collect hard data to analyze the issues confronting decision makers—global and regional trends in industry and demographics, competitors, and the lessons learned by other communities attempting similar growth strategies. We listen to industry leaders, businesses directly and indirectly impacted by projects, community elders, neighbours, residents’ environmental concerns, and visitors.
4. The Power of Partnership
OEI works with strategic partners to find the answers required for any project. Over the past three decades, while working on projects around the world, OEI President Rob Beynon has built trusted relationships with some of the world’s leading consultants. These partners cover a vast array of technical specializations, including:
- Air services
- Archaeology
- Social sciences
- Geomatics
- Civil engineering, including those with marine and rail specializations
- Economics
- Planning
- Customs and security
- Logistics
- Environmental sciences
Sophisticated Analytical Tools
OEI’s clients turn to us for a broad range of transportation and economic solutions. To reach them, we employ a broad selection of analytical tools, including but not limited to the following: